
1. The information on barbielev.com should not be construed as medical or professional advice. Although experienced and qualified, the author is not a doctor or medical professional. The information in this website reflects her opinions, beliefs and personal experiences with the subject matter and she accepts no responsibility for your use of the information, nor the results you may expect from such. Your results may differ from the author’s and other users’. All information contained within this website is for for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician or doctor. Always Consult your doctor or physician before participating in any weight loss, fitness, or yoga program.

All information provided is written and edited by the webmaster herself, unless stated otherwise.  When an article is not written by the webmaster, and provided by a third party instead it is noted at the bottom of the page, with a link back to the original source.  The webmaster accepts no responsibility for the use of this information, provided by herself, or from a third party.

2. Yoga Twists by Barbie Levasseur is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License

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